Even Guys Need To Talk!


I stumbled across a photo from our holiday. This was taken in San Gimignano in Italy. There was this vacant under-cover opening off one of the squares. A few old chairs were there and during the day the men of the town would come and sit and talk! I guess the conversation would centre around politics and world & local (even family)  events. None of the womenfolk to be seen…just the men

Men of San GimignanoIn my mind’s eye, I see the Cape Town equivalent – men sitting chatting on township corners or around tables at the local Mugg & Bean!  Men need to talk and it’s good for them to get out and socialise without us sometimes.

5 good reasons for men to get together to talk
1. Helps off-load some of their problems to those who can understand more about their world & the way they think.
2. Helps build commeraderie.
3. Helps them to realise they are not alone.
4. They get a different perspective on life and whatever they are dealing with.
5. Getting problems off their mind helps them deal with the issues so they don’t need to burden their wives with all the details. Women worry!

Today I was reminded of a poem by Helen Steiner Rice.  I’m sure someone reading this needs to read it! When things go wrong, as they  do from time to time, it’s often very difficult to get perspective. There is a spectrum along which our troubles sit. In the great scheme of things, some problems are at the extreme end – where things cannot get worth…unspeakable tragedy is there. But most times, we face daily issues that we struggle to make sense of  that are not life threatening, but are hard to cope with. It’s like being in a thick forest. We can’t see the wood for the trees. This poem called “Bend in the Road”  adds some perspective. God is in control.  There is light at the end of the tunnel…

When we feel we have nothing left to give
And we are sure that the “song has ended”–
When our day seems over and the shadows fall
And the darkness of night has descended,

Where can we go to find the strength
To valiantly keep on trying,
Where can we find the hand that will dry
The tears that the heart is crying–

There’s but one place to go and that is to God
And, dropping all pretense and pride,
We can pour out our problem without restraint
And gain strength with Him at our side–

And together we stand at life’s crossroads
And view what we think is the end,
But God has a much bigger vision
And he tells us it’s only a bend–

For the road goes on and is smoother,
And the “pause in the song” is a “rest,”
And the part that’s unsung and unfinished
Is the sweetest and richest and best–

So rest and relax and grow stronger,
Let go and let God share your load,
Your work is not finished or ended,
You’ve just come to “a bend in the road.”

It’s a good poem to remember! If you are frustrated and stressed and you don’t know what is going on, this is a bend in the road and it maybe quite a hairpin one! I read Psalm 27 this morning and was encouraged by verse 14:

“Wait for the Lord; be strong & take heart & wait for the Lord.”

Today has been a wonderfully social day! Did the show, did music prep for next week, went to gym, had tea with Riana and a chinwag with Stacey. Julian phoned. And now I need to get the blog posted and dinner cooked!

God bless you loads!

In His Grip,

Helga xx 🙂

Gratitude/Happiness Pic….loved this. Miranda posted this on FB and after I read it on air, Gaynor requested for it to be posted on my blog so everyone could enjoy it! Have a good laugh! How times have changed…Sewing advice from 1949

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