Dear Elsie
Wow, you have had a busy sporting week. Last evening was your school sports day. I’m glad they had it in the late afternoon so it wasn’t so hot. Lining up for the sprints…
Then today there was tennis…
And you’ve been to swimming too. It’s crazy how fast this year has begun and how busy you are.
At the end of the day, it was hard to keep your eyes open…
You are reading on your own now. I think you will be the prolific reader your Mom was. I think she read every book in the Sun Valley Primary School library!
I’m sure you are going to be happy the weekend is round the corner. Friday tomorrow.
For us, it was cool and a little damp this morning. What a lovely kind of day. I worked the day and then afterwards Julian and I took a walk into Fish Hoek. The evening was lovely. The beach was busy & still laden with seaweed.
The shark net truck had to drive over it.
Lots of seaweed caught in the net.
Such a beautiful evening…
We walked home via Daisy Lane.
Enjoy every day.
Psalm 25:9
He guides the humble in what is right and teaches them His way.
It’s not about now – we are only passing through.
Keep the smile going.
God bless you.
In His Grip,
Gran xx 🙂