Don’t Microwave Your Cell Phone!


Ha! I’ll get to the microwaved cell phone in a mo, but first, today is it: the shortest day of the year for the southern hemisphere and we get to bathe ourselves in the sunshine and beauty of Cape Town! The sun rose today at 7-54am and it will set this evening at 5-41pm. Tomorrow, the sun will set one minute later and so very slowly the days will start getting longer. What a perfect Cape Town day. I got up around sunrise and beetled off to the mall to buy croissants and a newspaper. It’s a treat to stay in bed, drink coffee, read the newspaper and eat a croissant. We haven’t done it for ages, so while the coffee was brewing and Mike was sleeping, I nipped down to Foodlovers Market and found the croissants still warm! That was great!

So after a leisurely morning, Mike got dressed and went to practice golf at Clovelly, while I stayed in bed and had a very special time of prayer. It is the truth, that regardless of your station in life, be you a president or a pauper,  by meeting with God in the morning, you will get strength for the day, joy in your heart and peace in your mind. The Bible verse I wrote down today and have attempted to memorise is a statement and a prayer. It comes from Psalm 138 vs 8

“The Lord will fulfill His purpose for me; Your love, O Lord endures forever – do not abandon the works of your hands.”

Worth remembering! 🙂

I then got dressed and decided to trot to the golf course to meet Mike. With the winter sun shining and a gentle breeze, I did well (for me!) for the first 4km, averaging just under 7 minutes to a k, but the final kilometre was gruelling! All uphill, no breeze and with the sun now feeling like a furnace, I was red-faced,  sweltering and puffing and panting like a steam train. That bought my average down to a final 7 minutes 24 seconds per kilometre. I was pooped! :-/ I went to the ladies locker room and cooled off while reading a magazine. How far our technology has bought us. I took a photo of a recipe! Tonight we are having ratatouille sans the eggs…


Walking to meet Mike, I couldn’t help but notice the magnificence of the day and the view…

ClovellyHome, I put the kettle on and enjoyed sunshine and tea…

Sunshine and teaIt’s only due to get better tomorrow!

Sometimes you see things online that make you laugh and laugh and laugh. Trish posted a link to some of the craziest status updates people have posted. Just to have a laugh, I thought I’d post the ones, I laughed at most…..

Microwaved cell phoneDon’t microwave your cell phone…it will never work again! Here’s another one…

Cut hair😀 😀


I promise you, parents of twins are so, SO glad it’s only 9!

PyramidStonehenge a little smaller perhaps?

And finally, I loved this one because it’s clever…


Keep the smile going!

God bless you and have a wonderful weekend!

In His Grip,

Helga xx 🙂

Gratitude – these are a couple of my favourite things…husband and cat…in that order! 😉

Truffles and Mike

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