Doing Special Things


Dear Elsie

Today I thought about how I’ve been doing special things each month because it’s my 60th year, but today I had a change of mind. I’m going to start doing special things just to enjoy life, not only because I’m turning 60. Let the special things roll! Today’s special thing was we went for a long walk up Silvermine. The weather looked a little uncertain, but we took the plunge and just after 11.30am, we were parked and ready to walk. We went over the reservoir bridge and up this path…

Loads of flowers. In places the road is half a donga, which is fine for walkers but quite treacherous for cyclists. The view from this road is one out towards our house.

We could just see our little piece of the mountain. We walked up and over the mountain, diverting off to the ridge which looks over the Lakes…

And further along the rocks that overlook De Goede Estate.

Onwards and upwards until eventually we were closing in on the view of Hout Bay.

And there it is.

The wind was pretty cold, so we didn’t hang about. I was glad for my jacket and gloves. We continued the loop, returning down the mountain on the other side. There were loads of proteas.

We passed lots of walkers and a number of cyclists; there was a shower and we got a little wet but we soon we arrived at the path that would take us to the reservoir.

Which is looking pretty full…

Mike and I on the bridge on the far side of the dam.

Mike on the boardwalk.

Back to the car over the bridge.

It was a great 8.5km hike.

We shopped, came home, rested, cooked and ate.

And now I am in bed with the electric blanket on. Yup, it’s not even 7pm!

2 Corinthians 10:5
We demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God, and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ.

It’s not about now – we are only passing through.

Keep the smile going.

God bless you.

In His Grip,

Gran xx 🙂


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