Dear Oscar…

Dear Oscar

I can only imagine how you must be feeling. Tomorrow your trial begins. I am sure you despise the media and find the incessant curiosity of the public intolerable. But it is what it is. Being in the public eye is a double edged sword. It creates for you fame and wealth, but to those who are given much, much is required.

We don’t know what happened in the early hours of Thursday 14th February 2013. There are only 3 people who do. One is dead. That leaves 2. You are the second. You know the details of what went on that night. You know the thoughts that went through your mind. You may recall the words spoken and the fast-paced, adrenaline crazed actions that took place. You now have your story to tell. If you have not been completely honest, it’s time to tell the truth. If you have told the truth, continue to do so, regardless of the speculation of the media. Tell the truth. Speak from the heart. Be honest. I’m not saying that for anyone else except for your benefit. You have a long life ahead. If you want this over and to sleep at night – truth and honesty is the only way to go. The burden of deception and guilt is too heavy to carry. The weight of living a lie is not worth it. Do not deceive. Just tell it as it was. Do it for your own peace of mind. The life you continue to live on this earth will be best lived with a clear conscience. Come clean now. It will be worth it – tell the truth, pay the price, face the consequences. If you do, you can live with a clean heart and peaceful mind, regardless of what others say or think. You will be truly free, even in jail.

But if you don’t tell the truth, if you are not completely honest, you will only be fooling yourself. You’ll only be lying to yourself. You will have to live out your life on this earth living a lie & living with the guilt that comes with it. You will be in jail, even if you are free.

The whole reason you want to pay the price for your mistakes this side of eternity is because of the third Witness to this tragedy.  In the Bible, there are many reminders that God sees it all. “Nothing in all creation is hidden from God’s sight. Everything is uncovered and laid bare before the eyes of Him to whom we must give account.” (Hebrews 4:13).  “For your ways are in full view of the Lord, and He examines all your paths.” (Proverbs 5:21.)

You cannot run from God. Get the truth out as soon as possible. Pay for the consequences. Seek repentance, justice and forgiveness, so you can live your life out in peace.

Forget that the whole world is watching. There’s one Spectator who is far more important. Be accountable to Him and He will break the bars of your yoke and allow you to walk with your head held high. One day you are going to die and have to face your Creator….and Reeva and have the unfinished conversation with them.

And one final thing, Oscar, you are not alone. This is applicable for each person reading this and for the writer herself.

God bless you.

In His Grip,


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