David Update


Dear Elsie

Today was another cooler day, where there was some more light rain, but it’s finally given way to patchy blue skies and the hope of dry weather over the weekend.

Today I also went out to get David’s new prescription filled. This is his triple therapy.

After his last blood work a couple of weeks ago we did not hear back so we presumed to just carry on. Only today when I called the Dr’s rooms to find out the next steps (I wanted to get his next month of meds) did they say they had emailed him and a few hours later we discovered they were emailing to the wrong email address (they were spelling his name Dawid!) They had sent him a batch of images of his platelets and plasma and the email read that the platelets were unchanged (not good news) but the plasma was normal (good news). These are a couple of the plasma slides greatly magnified…so this is normal…. (when diagnosed, his plasma looked like his platelets).

This is what abnormal looks like – these are his platelets.  The big splotches are what highly magnified microclots look like. David’s platelets are full of them which is why he’s not better yet.

So the blood thinning medication has gone a good way to dissolving the micro-clots in the plasma but still need to reduce the clots in the platelets. As far as how he is feeling goes – he agrees on two things:

  1. He feels he’s heading in the right direction.
  2. He’s having more good days than bad days.

What hasn’t happened is the initial expectation we had that he will be on the  medication for 2-3 weeks, have 2-3 awful days and then be better. Oh how we wish! It’s 6 weeks and he has had some awful days but on no days has he been as ‘right as rain!’

But for sure, I will take ‘heading in the right direction’ and ‘having more good days than bad.’ He is still not able to walk for any sort of distance but he hopes that will change soon. We just keep taking one day at a time.

We are so grateful to see the bloodwork has shown an improvement in the plasma. The platelets will follow. He needs more bloods at the end of July. God willing by then, he’ll have his energy back and be able to kick his walking stick to the kerb.

Psalm 121:3-4
He will not let your foot slip— He who watches over you will not slumber; indeed, He who watches over Israel will neither slumber nor sleep.

It’s not about now – we are only passing through.

Keep the smile going.

God bless you.

In His Grip,

Gran xx 🙂






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