David Turns 34


Dear Elsie

Today it was your Uncle David’s 34th birthday & we are all together to celebrate. We started off having breakfast at the Blue Kiwi.

We went home and then a few things happened. Stacey went to have tea with Carol. Mike and Adrian went the shooting range & Julian went to a charity shop and Simon’s Town library. He had David and Anna with him when they went to the charity shop and that’s when David spotted this DVD – it’s from his matric year and he feature a few times:

His main performance was this one.

He is still in touch with all three of these friends. It’s 17 years ago, when he was 17.  Immediately Julian wanted to buy it but David didn’t want to. Later, when Julian was passing by again, he stopped and for the princely sum of R10, he bought the treasure and came home with it.

Elsie, you and I had a fun time together. You have an abundance of energy and when you needed to get it out, here’s what you did…ran down the stairs and back up again…

And your Mom did wheelbarrows with you.

That went some way to tiring you out.  David played guitar for you.

And we had Raiku spend some wary time in the presence of Pennie.

David blew out his candle and we sang happy birthday.

And then came the evening’s feature. After pizza and burgers for dinner, the DVD machine was plugged in and the settings sorted to get it to work. Success! We watched various parts of the Fish Hoek High Variety concert of 2008. It was received with great joviality and for David a touch of nostalgia. Anna was highly amused.  So were we.

It was such a great unexpected gift.

Now everyone has gone to settle in for the night.  Wonderful family time this weekend. My heart is full.

Mark 10:14
When Jesus saw this, He was indignant. He said to them, “Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these.”

It’s not about now – we are only passing through.

Keep the smile going.

God bless you.

In His Grip,

Gran xx 🙂


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