Comfortable In My Own Skin…


My mind has been busy these last few days, what with watching the OP murder trial and listening to the gripping story of Carol Kent whose son killed his wife’s first husband. I don’t know how to begin to imagine how you get through such trauma. But what happens is that the sun rises the next day and life carries on.

I also picked up (off Facebook) a speech by 31 year old Oscar winner Lupita Nyong’o, an Mexican/Kenyan woman who won an Oscar. The speech was from a previous awards ceremony and was so moving, my mind kept coming back to it. This is the URL for the You Tube Video…

Lupita Nyong’o Speech at the Essence Awards

It got me thinking about whether I am happy on the inside & am comfortable in my own skin. Generally in your teens, you absolutely aren’t happy with yourself. But that feeling of inferiority may continue into your 20s and linger in your 30s. If you don’t have someone affirming you, you actually may carry it throughout your life. But I have found a great deal of self-acceptance in my 40s. I close out my 4th decade 9 months today! If I don’t dwell on the tragedies that have occurred in them, they have been 10 great years and I can say that I am comfortable in my own skin….

Comfortable in my own skinYes, I can still see my flaws & there are so many changes I could make physically, that no plastic surgeon could keep up. But, there’s more to me now that I appreciate that I’ve ever had before. Lupita in her speech, quotes her mother as saying ‘beauty comes from within’ and for that reason, ‘you cannot eat beauty.’  And it’s true.  Yesterday as I was pondering all this, I sort of thought of making a decision. “Sort of thought of”, because I don’t know for how long I could carry it out, but maybe it’s time that I actually did ‘toss the scale’. Just eat what I’m supposed to eat (Low Carb) and enjoy it. Exercise as I’m supposed to exercise, and enjoy it. I think I need to stop aiming for a lower number on the scale, no matter how much I want it. It’s time to just BE. There are two primary things I want to BE. I want to BE HAPPY. Which I am! Yay! The other thing I want to BE is HEALTHY! Which I am! Yay! I count myself doubly blessed to be happy and healthy. I could do a lot worse. Maybe if more of my focus is aimed at inner beauty, happiness & health, the scale story will sort itself out! I think it may just! It doesn’t mean that there is no place for self-improvement. It just means that I’m fine where I am right now and if that includes a few kilogrammes heavier than I should be, at least I’m a few kilogrammes heavier than I should be AND I can run 5km and climb a mountain. I am healthy! And the Bible of course, has something to say about this…

 1 Peter 3:3-4
Do not let your adorning be external—the braiding of hair and the putting on of gold jewelry, or the clothing you wear— but let your adorning be the hidden person of the heart with the imperishable beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit, which in God’s sight is very precious.

In God’s sight, you are very precious! Don’t you forget it!

God bless you loads!

In His Grip,

Helga xx 🙂

Gratitude/Happiness Pic…someone else who is very comfortable in her fur…

Truffles comfortable in her own fur on my own bed!

Truffles comfortable in her own fur on my own bed!

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