Claire with the Hair


Dear Elsie

One of the most colourful residents on our street is Claire with the hair. She tints her hair all sorts of colours. She is very involved in the neighbourhood watch and it was through her that I got my high viz vest. Today when I was out on my lunchtime walk, I bumped into her. Her hair is purple at the  moment. The other day it was pink & other times it’s a blend of both. It’s hard to miss her and easy to remember her name.

I went for a short walk to the end of the street and back to the beginning of it before returning to work for an afternoon meeting. After work, we took a walk to Glencairn. It’s been a lovely sunny day…

As we returned, the north wind that has been blowing all day ramped up a bit and now there is a thick layer of cloud. Some rain is forecast for tonight. I don’t know if it will continue into tomorrow. That was a good 4.5km walk and now we are home. It is very quiet. Julian left today. David is having dinner with Anna and Mike & I are on our own with even Raiku outside lapping up the last bit of light. The weather of the last few days is definitely making us think of spring. While it is still August and officially winter, the slightly longer days are indicative of the summer to come. The sun is rising earlier and setting later. I see some morning walks in my future.

Good news from today is Mike’s plumbing is in fine shape! He went to the urologist for a long delayed check up. It was in 2011, that he had a run in with a (malignant) bladder polyp and it’s been more than 7 years since his last check up. I know this because I recorded it on this blog ( Today, we were pleased to hear everything is working perfectly and he need not return (for another year at least). The doctor said his PSA is normal so he wasn’t expecting to find anything. Prostate is normal, bladder is normal, all is good. Very grateful.

Psalm 37:7
Be still before the LORD and wait patiently for Him.

It’s not about now – we are only passing through.

Keep the smile going.

God bless you.

In His Grip,

Gran xx 🙂




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