Britain Needs a Mulligan

All of us at some stage need a ‘do-over’. In golf, the term Mulligan comes to mind.


Somehow, it would be wonderful, if all of the UK could rewind the clock – ditch the idea of a Brexit referendum and return the status quo to what it was. The poor shot of the referendum would not be counted on the scorecard.

This turmoil in all quarters is not benefiting anyone.

But alas, there will be no UK Mulligan. The confusion and outrage, the discontent and fury will have to subside on its own.

The events of the past week will certainly go down in British history. Books will be written about the ‘perfect storm’ that erupted in volcanic style in the early morning hours of 24th June 2016, when the United Kingdom voted to leave the European Union.

The big question on everyone’s lips is ‘where to from here?’ I am not sure anyone knows the answer. The Prime Minister of England, David Cameron has declared his forthcoming resignation, planned for October. There are a number of people in the wings who could take his place, the most prominent, Boris Johnson, ex mayor of London, who at one stage was not all that for Brexit. It seems as time progressed, the idea of leaving the EU may benefit him, so he took it on in a half-hearted fashion. The  opposition Labour Party is in a shambles.

As I watch TV and hear the broadcasters ramble on about the ifs, the and and the buts, I am reminded of  the tower of Babel and how God confused the languages of all the citizens so they could not understand each other. That is what seems to be going on now in the UK.  Everyone has an idea of what should or could happen, but no one is really in charge sufficiently enough to implement the plan. Even the EU is at loggerheads with one another, with some saying, ‘move quickly to exit UK’ while others are saying, ‘there is no rush – don’t be hasty.’

There are plenty of people to blame – some have blamed Barak Obama for interfering. Some have blamed German Chancellor Angela Merkel for being so relaxed on immigration – if she hadn’t been, there would not have been such an outcry in Britain against immigration. Most have blamed David Cameron. He shouldn’t have offered the referendum in the first place.

As I saw this confusion unfold over the last few days, I wondered what was going on in the spiritual realm.

Proverbs 19:21

Many plans are in a man’s heart, But the counsel of the LORD will stand.

In the end, God will have His way. These are strange times. What is happening behind the spiritual curtain, only God knows. This uproar will pass. In the meantime it reflects the fragility of man and his power.

No one says it better than the Psalmist. Psalm 118:8

It is better to take refuge in the LORD than to trust in humans.

Take refuge in the right Person.

These are the days.

Keep the smile going.

God bless you!

In His Grip,

Helga xx 🙂

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