Big Storm, More Rain


Dear Elsie

As I write, there is a strong north-westerly wind blowing outside and the promise of another big storm tonight with more rain. The winter weather is also affecting your town as both your school and the ones in Fish Hoek have closed for tomorrow due to the inclement weather.  We had a pretty idyllic June with sunny weather that was often windless. This week is playing catch up. Pat in Noordhoek posted this on Facebook.

It poured this morning and then there was a break over lunchtime, so I took a walk. I went up Contour, across the bottom of the start of Elsie’s Peak and then walked all the way down Mountain Rd to Highway again, over Kommetjie Rd to Valyland. Fish Hoek from Mountain Rd.

Looking at where I was going. The arrow shows Valyland…

I bought myself some water and walked home via Hillside.

By the time I got in, I’d clocked up 6km.

The loft is now finished and Gareth has returned for 10 days so he gets to stay in it first. The new window makes all the difference…

We are very happy with it.

This morning I read Psalm 8 – one of my favourite psalms, so before I went walking I pulled it up on my cell phone and while I was out, I started trying to memorise it.

Psalm 8:1
Lord, our Lord, how majestic is your name in all the earth! You have set your glory in the heavens.

It’s not about now – we are only passing through.

Keep the smile going.

God bless you.

In His Grip,

Gran xx 🙂

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