Bed Box is Done!


Dear Elsie,

Today was the day Grandpa finished making the bed box for the foot of our bed. He has long wanted to get one of these. In the end he decided to make one. It’s perfect! He just has to paint the feet.

It took him a LOT of time and he won’t make another! It is bespoke, made to size and colour to match our headboard and he got it absolutely perfect. Maybe, Elsie, one day you can inherit it!

One of the things I am doing in 2024 is celebrating my 60th year. While this may culminate in November, I’m enjoying all the treats along the way. It sort of started in February when our terminology changed with David from ‘he has long Covid’ to ‘he is in recovery from long Covid.’ His improvement was one of the biggest gifts of the year. He’s still not completely better, but he is managing so much better. March was unexpectedly buying the half car. It’s such a lovely car, I feel quite spoiled driving it. April/May was our unforgettable trip to Italy and then to the Norwegian fjords. June, we had a special week of time with you, Elsie and your Mom  – that was a big blessing.  July is the bed box. I’m celebrating each little blessing.

This year hasn’t been all good, because we lost Claw’d but it’s certainly been much better than last year which was like walking through mud. Every day from when David fell ill on 15th February 2023 was a worry, fraught with anxiety – it’s never easy watching someone you love struggle and it was hard to keep my smile going. I had to dig deep to keep the faith and know that God is faithful and He won’t let anything happen without His permission, presence and purpose. Even by Christmas, my heart was heavy. It was only in January/ February, we began to see improvement in David’s energy. He’s managing better now.

I’ve had a good work week and now we are looking forward to the weekend.

Proverbs 18:14
A man’s spirit sustains him in sickness, but a crushed spirit who can bear.

There were many days last year my spirit was crushed.

It’s not about now – we are only passing through.

Keep the smile going.

God bless you.

In His Grip,

Gran xx 🙂

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