
Cape Town is beautiful any day of the year, but when a rare late autumn’s day arrives that is windless and warm, it is jaw-droppingly grand! Every time I walk outside and feel the warm embrace of the sun, I feel happy! As soon as I got out of the studio this morning, before even the prayer meeting, I nipped out onto the balcony to take a photo…

🙂 🙂 🙂

A little later on in the morning, we spotted our friend on the balcony and went and had a little chat…aah, it’s a duck’s life, wouldn’t you say?…

Although hardly, duck’s weather!

Shortly after 1pm, I was meandering home. I couldn’t resist stopping and snapping up this amazing view…

Psalm 16:6 says: The boundary lines have fallen for me in pleasant places; surely I have a delightful inheritance.


After yesterday’s blog, Charles sent me some pictures of Cape Town more than a century ago. This is Woodstock Beach in 1899….

And this is Orange Street in 1870…

Amazing! What will our city look like 100 years from now I wonder? There will be plenty more photographic evidence of all the changes than there were all those years ago.

I’m now heading off back to CCFm for a meeting. I love CCFm. So much opportunity. Do you know that in the month of March 2012, 87 people (that we know about) came to faith in Jesus Christ through the ministry of CCFm. They either called the prayer friend line or they responded via SMS.

The best story of the day today came from a lady who called to wish “Brother Blom” happy birthday. She went onto say that Brother Blom turns 108 today!!  Born in 1904! The best news was that Brother Blom came to faith in Christ at the age of 104 and was baptized a year later! Don’t you love God’s Grace? It’s NEVER too late!

Keep on keeping on!

In His Grip,

Helga xx 🙂


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