Back Street Muizenberg


Dear Elsie

Today was the day I got to speak to you from the sea front, although with the connection it wasn’t a very long chat. It’s always lovely to speak to you! The reason I was there was because I decided to go for a walk this morning.  I set off not sure exactly where to go. While going over Boye’s Drive, I chose to park by the Shark Spotters. From there I walked down Boyes Drive away from Fish Hoek. A short distance down, I found these random steps heading down the mountain. With my security vest on and pepper spray in my pocket, I confidently ventured down them.

They end behind the houses which are on the same road as Muizenberg Police station. I was on my own and found the overgrown path a little isolated, so hurried along it as quickly as I could. At least I was on track to the police station. I didn’t encounter anyone, but surprisingly, there were 2 very developed informal dwellings right behind the cop shop.  Safely on the road, I looked up the next side street and saw a pedestrian path. All those years I worked in Muizenberg and walked the streets on a regular basis and I had never been along this road, so off I went. It’s called Talma Road. It passes the Muizenberg Magistrates Court and this bit of well kept path is next.

It was a really lovely walk which goes behind the new development currently under construction.

I arrived at a little gate and this sign.

I was so curious to know where it would take me. Through the gate and down these stairs…

The massive rubber tree forces the path left. A short little path, well worn and just like that, I arrived on the Main Rd. right in front of the Posthuys Museum.

This is the plaque on the bench…

From there, I crossed the road, went under the subway and along the sea front path.

Which, of course, comes out at St. James Beach…

From here, I needed to decide how far I wanted to walk. The car was parked high above on Boyes Drive. The further I walked down the Main Rd. the further from it I was going. I couldn’t remember which road went to Jacob’s Ladder, so eventually, after a few turn offs, I went up Ley Rd and climbed the 294 steps to the top.

You can see the 3 chaps at the top. They were visiting from the Eastern Cape  (Indian youngsters in their early 20s). They struck up a conversation with me because they wanted to know how I could have got to the top of the stairs and not be exhausted. They said they were so tired. Maybe they didn’t see me resting on the way up. I told them I had 85 steps to  my front door and I do a lot of stairs. One of them then asked two things. He asked how old I am and he asked if he could have a photo taken with me. As I am 73 days away from turning 60, I don’t mind sharing my age! I had my photo taken, took one of the 3 of them and then went on my merry way, enjoying the view as I went.

By the time I arrived at the car, I hadn’t quite walked 5km, so I went on another few hundred meters. The Talma Rd path runs in front of this house below.

It was a lovely walk. So many hidden gems around.

For the rest of the day, I did some housework, read and rested. Now we are about to watch some TV. A good Saturday for sure.

The end of 1 Corinthians 15 today. It ends with this encouragement…

1 Corinthians 15:58
Therefore, my dear brothers and sisters, stand firm. Let nothing move you. Always give yourselves fully to the work of the Lord, because you know that your labour in the Lord is not in vain.

It’s not about now – we are only passing through.

Keep the smile going.

God bless you.

In His Grip,

Gran xx 🙂

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