A Revolution of Light! That’s what it’s going to be tonight. Hillsong Church is bringing a bonanza of a professional production to 5000 women filling to capacity the Grandwest Arena. It’s going to be a spectacle to behold as the Cape Town Colour Conference 2013 kicks off at 7-30pm. If you aren’t able to make tonight, start planning on coming next year. You will be able to book online for next year soon. Keep going back to www.colourconference.com
If you will be at the Colour Conference, come and visit me at the CCFm stand – back left hand corner of the registration hall!
Today, I had a fabulous quiet time. Sometimes I lose concentration and my mind wanders. Today, I started to pray for my family and before I knew it, I was kneeling on the floor praying for the generations to come. Praying for Adrian, Stacey and David, praying for their children and their grandchildren. And praying for their great grandchildren and their great, great grandchildren. That will pretty much take us to around 12th April 2113…. 100 years from today. The Lord knows each one to be born. He sees their unformed bodies. He sees the number of hairs on their heads. He knows their struggles. He knows the day of their birth and the day they will leave this earth to be with us, because all of us who are alive today, will be in heaven with Jesus, alive and well…just not here on earth trapped in this body. It’s quite mind-boggling, isn’t it?
Psalm 139:16 Your eyes saw my unformed body; all the days ordained for me were written in Your book before one of them came to be.”
But as I knelt and prayed, my mind went back. It took me to the person or people who 100 years ago, were on their knees, perhaps on 12th April 1913, praying for the generations ahead. Praying as I did, that each person born from that blood line would come to know Jesus at a young age; that the Holy Spirit would implant in their heart a desire to know Him; a desire to read His Word; that the Bible would become as important to the future generation as it is to them. I am that person. I was prayed for. I am God’s answer to their prayer. And then I wept! God is faithful. As He answers their prayers, He will answer mine AND He will answer yours. It doesn’t matter if it is 1913… or 2013 or 2113, God remains the same. He is from everlasting to everlasting.
Psalm 90:2 Before the mountains were born or You brought forth the whole world, from everlasting to everlasting You are God.
And without Jesus, we have no hope. We have nothing. Without Jesus, we have nothing to look forward to. He is our Rock and our Fortress. He is an unmovable, permanent Anchor and Foundation. He makes this life all worthwhile. Our hope is found in nothing less than Jesus Christ and His Righteousness. Because of Him, forever, from this generation to all the ones to come, we have a hope and a future.
Thank you, Jesus!
In HIS Grip,
Helga xx
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