Ambitious Weekend


What needs to be achieved this weekend in my mind is ambitious. We are busy doing the electrics for the ground floor which is double what was needed for the lower ground floor.  There’s also a whole lot of cabling that needs to be done for our floor which is the first floor. Today we started and it has to be completed by tomorrow as Monday the cement arrives.

We got the measuring done. Mike made up the down-light conduits and we installed some, so we have had a successful day. There were a lot of guys on site today. They finished most of the rib and block.

They have started on the side balcony…(thanks to Google for the effects)

And from below….

This was what it looked like from above on 14th January…

While a weekend such as this is exhausting, there is a sense of achievement at the end of it. This time tomorrow, when I crawl into bed, hopefully, the conduits will all be in place and we’ll only have to do this once more – in 6 weeks time – when Julian’s floor goes on and we need to do all the down-lights for our floor!!! That’s going to be a mammoth task. Maybe by then I’ll be better at it!

It was good to have Julian onsite – measuring, checking distances and helping with the conduiting. And then we had a lovely dinner in the evening.

Right now though, it’s time for bed.

Psalm 100:3

Know that the Lord, He is God! It is He who made us and we are His; we are His people, and the sheep of His pasture.

We belong!

These are the days.

Keep the smile going.

God bless you.

In His Grip,

Helga xx 🙂


Working on the top level is an ongoing Pilates workout.


1 year and 94 days

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