Alexander Arrived!


Dear Elsie

Today was the day your second cousin was born! Alexander entered the world around 2.45am. My phone pinged at about 3.15am and I stirred enough to reach for it. I woke up quick enough as I saw the happy news. Two very tired parents and a newborn baby. Later, more photos arrived. His length is 52cm & he weighed a healthy 4.135 kg. Such a huge advantage to come into the world that size. Well done Jess!

So precious.

Huge congratulations!  Everyone loves a baby.

For us, we went walking, this time to Valyland and back – just a few meters less than 6km. I have to tell you one of the most unusual things I’ve ever seen in this day and age. I was so surprised. We were walking back from Valyland along one of the nearby streets when I heard the truck (big bakkie) we were approaching had its engine running.  As I got to it, I noticed the window was open and there was no one inside. It was really strange, but I thought the driver was in the closest house’s garden, so we continued walking. There were a number of people on the street. We crossed to the other side and it was then that I stopped and looked back to see if I could see any owner. I couldn’t. We walked to the corner of the road and I stopped again. Still no one. I said to Mike it must be his battery is flat and he’s charging it but it’s a bit odd he’s just left it unattended. “I have to take a photo of this!” So here’s the truck. I guess the one on the left has been the jump starter of the one on the right that had its engine running. Possibly the pal was inside the house having coffee.

Maybe they were inside watching me take photos & ready to pounce if anyone dared get in. Here is my photo through the open window with the keys inside and the engine running.

On St Helena Island, this is the kind of thing that you would see all the time. In Cape Town 2024, it’s risky! Anyway, that’s what we saw on our walk today!

End of Wednesday 18th September 2024 – the day Alexander was born. Praying for you guys!

Isaiah 30:15
In repentance and rest is your salvation, in quietness and trust is your strength.

I love that.

It’s not about now – we are only passing through.

Keep the smile going.

God bless you.

In His Grip,

Gran xx 🙂

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