A Walk Over The Mountain


Dear Elsie

Today was the day we went stomping over the mountainside. We headed up ‘your’ peak. We walked from home, taking Contour Way to Mountain Rd and starting on the mountainside from there.

I love walking on the  mountain.

We got to the Glencairn sign..

And walked through the area where a fire had burned earlier this year…

Saw our last view of the Fish Hoek side…

and headed towards Glencairn..

It’s a very well marked and trodden path…with a lot of proteas…

And in no time Glencairn is in full view…

We took a sort of contour path that went behind all the upper houses towards Simon’s Town road. At times, we seemed to run out of path!

Twas a bit of a scramble to get to the shooting range entrance.

But we were soon there and walking home along the road. The new blue trains are in service all the way to Simon’s Town now. We just have to find out when they run.

We passed the burnt house that was being worked on…

It was a lovely 5.5km walk.

Rest of the day was spent at home.

And now we are ready for dinner.

Psalm 35:10
My whole being will exclaim, ‘Who is like you, O Lord?’

It’s not about now – we are only passing through.

Keep the smile going.

God bless you.

In His Grip,

Gran xx 🙂


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