A Very Busy Monday for All


Dear Elsie

Today was a very busy Monday for everyone. While I got stuck into work, Mike had to go sort out some plumbing problems. The water bill at our previous house has doubled, so there was some underground leak. There was also a leak in the roof. That took up most of the day, but at least it is mainly resolved.

I worked 7 hours and then took off for a walk. I took Julian, assuring him the walk would not be longer than about 4 or maybe 5 km. I wanted to show him the Silvermine wetlands, but I didn’t realise that the route I took would be more than 3km one way. Oops. He got extra exercise because a car had broken down and he helped push.

We finally got to the Silvermine wetlands and walked to the bridge and back.

To get home, we crossed Main Rd and then the railway line, just as a train was coming along.

I waved at the train driver and he sounded a whistle in return! One day we must take a ride into Cape Town on this train.

We came out at the very end of the beach.

Julian got caught in a wave.

He had to walk home with squidgy shoes.  You can see it was a beautiful day. The walk was 6.6km in the end. I don’t think Julian will believe me next time when I say, ‘it will be 4km tops!’

I still need to go out to buy some milk. Maybe I should do that now.

I can’t end today’s entry without mentioning my Dad who, had he lived, would have turned 92 today. Never forgotten.

Romans 8:6
…the mind controlled by the Spirit is life and peace.

It’s not about now – we are only passing through.

Keep the smile going.

God bless you.

In His Grip,

Gran xx 🙂


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