Today Julian arrives, so we are about to head for the airport. This morning we went across to Echo to let in the cleaner. While Mike and I were there, the builders arrived. John, the foreman was very quick to want to speak to us. He said yesterday, they were working on one of the piles when they saw a man walking around the house. He immediately went down to speak to him to find out what he wanted. He said he was looking for work… but he didn’t approach the builders…he walked around the house instead….hmmmm….looking for work? What kind of work?
The foreman told him there was no work there and he left. A very short while later, the neighbour’s alarm went off and their security arrived. Of course, the builders heard the alarm and were suspicious so when the security guard came, they went and described what our lurker looked like.
I was so glad nothing came of that incident. We like the word lurker! It reminds us – Julian and I – of our Mom….she would arrive home and open the door and look around to make sure there were no lurkers! Talking of which, the definition of lurker has changed. In 1995, according to the Oxford Concise English dictionary, it means as I’ve suggested…
Fast forward to 2019 and the internet definition is entirely different…
While there we took advantage of being at Echo to take a few photos. These are the steel rods that go down the piles…
This pile is complete…
This is one that is being drilled…
Yesterday, the guy whose company is doing the piles gave us an update:
1.0 We have drilled at four different positions with the expected loose boulders interfering with play.
2.0 We have drilled and grouted and re-drilled several times and have good news in that one pile is completed.
3.0 We had hoped that the second one would be done today but had to re-grout it at Seven meters because of loose material that threatened to jam the drill.
4.0 We will complete the second one tomorrow and then move onto the third one which has already been re-grouted at 3 meters.
Altogether there will be 10 piles. Three at the bottom level, four in the middle and three higher up. That’s what I understand anyway.
Foundations are so important. It’s often what you don’t see that has most of the value. It’s the same with us humans. We aren’t humans in a spiritual world. It’s the other way round – we are spiritual beings in a largely human world. The most important spiritual component of our lives we can’t see. One day we will get to heaven and it will all make sense.
Genesis 24:27
The Lord has shown unfailing love and faithfulness.
These are the days.
Keep the smile going.
God bless you.
In His Grip,
Helga xx 🙂
Today I didn’t get there. It’s one of those things that if you don’t make it a priority, it won’t happen.
Day 154