A Fabulously Memorable Day – Longest Zip Line in the World


Dear Elsie

Today was a fabulously memorable day.  John celebrated his birthday and invited us to join him and Avril to a brand new exciting zip line just outside Caledon. We have passed the building many times and wondered what it was all about. Today we found out.

We arrived, signed our indemnities against injury or death, wild animals or predators (!), got our safety equipment and had pics at the base. The K3 team are very professional and safety conscious. Photos by a number of people but mainly Avril.

This is our whole group, Mark, Linda, John, Avril, Me, Mike. Avril and Linda stayed at the base to watch us come in.

We took a ride in a tractor/trailer to the top of the mountain.

And the top platform soon came into view…

When we got up there, the landing site looked a very, very long way down.

This was John’s stunning shot…

There have been about 100 paying customers so far. About another 300 have tested it. Each day before anyone goes on it, it is tested. The team that drove us up and got us sorted were amazing. They were very reassuring that it was safe. The 4 of us at the top platform.

John was the first ‘birthday boy’ down.

He was hooked up and sent flying!


Mike went next. He’s the oldest person to have gone down it so far.

I went next. It was an amazing experience.  Most of us didn’t quite reach the landing platform and had to be retrieved…

Altogether a remarkable experience. I’d do it again. Here I am coming down from the tower.

We had coffee and a muffin from the coffee shop and enjoyed the beautiful view.

And once we were all down, we headed off to Caledon Hot springs for a dip. That was also a lot of relaxing fun.

I had a sauna & then a dip in the cold pool. It was really cold!

We said goodbye to Mark and Linda. Then the 4 of us went to Houw Hoek Farmstall for lunch.

Milkshakes all round!

Milk shakes all round! We also had their specialist pies. We arrived home very satisfied with a day well lived. Thank you John for inviting us to celebrate your birthday with you. We had a very memorable day.

As we get older, this is a good verse to bring to mind:

Psalm 73:26
My flesh and my heart may fail, but God is the strength of my heart and my portion forever.

It’s not about now – we are only passing through.

Keep the smile going.

God bless you.

In His Grip,

Gran xx 🙂




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