A Day for the Birds!


Dear Elsie

Today I was so excited to see a video of you reading! Well done my girl! So fluent and so confident.

Today was also day for the birds! Someone down at the beach area feeds them in the car park and they come in droves. It was a little windy this morning, so I walked to Woolworths to buy pawpaw. I walked along the cat walk and past the regulars on the benches, stopped for a few minutes and then was on my way again. And a short while later, I encountered the birds…

They were easily spooked…

And hovered a while…

Before returning to the seed.

Ah seagulls. They apparently like carparks because that’s where they often find bits and pieces of discarded food.  Fish Hoek never seems short of seagulls. They are everywhere every day.

My working day was more than 7 hours long today. It was tedious with some frustrations but I did have some success.

David came down for dinner. He has had a rotten couple of weeks. His fatigue has risen to a new level or should that be sunk to a new low?  When I went up to ask him something at about 9am, he was sleeping. Just so tired. We continue to hope it’s the microclots breaking down and that soon he will have another wave of getting better.

Time to wrap up for the day.

Isaiah 40:8
The grass withers and the flowers fall, but the word of our God endures forever.

It’s not about now – we are only passing through.

Keep the smile going.

God bless you.

In His Grip,

Gran xx 🙂

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