5 Reasons Why Everyone Should Be Weightlifting

I was asked to write an article on weightlifting/body building, so wrote this one, but it was not technical enough. Instead of wasting it, I decided to make it my blog. I was very interested in what was being said and it made me reach for heavier weights at gym this morning. Don’t overlook the importance of strength training, especially as you get older. Here we go:

There is a preconception concerning weightlifting that brings to mind muscled men with serious 6 packs and bulging biceps. Certainly, personal trainers can put together a muscle-building, strength training routine that will sculpt certain individuals into statuesque bronzed models. That’s a minority though. Most of us are regular people keen on living the best life and striving to stay fit and healthy. Regardless of age, weight or gender, there are many good reasons why everyone should be weightlifting.

Hello Exercise

  1. Weightlifting Burns More Calories.

Muscle burns more calories than fat. When you gradually increase your strength training regime, your body fat will get less and muscle mass will increase. As muscle burns more calories, you will be using more energy even when you are sleeping. If you are keen to firm up or lose weight, add strength training to maximise your success.

  1. Weight Training Makes You Stronger.

You only need to break a limb and have it in plaster for 6 weeks to know how much waste takes place when there’s not even regular muscle use. When you add a strength training regime to your workout, you will find yourself growing stronger. Lifting certain objects becomes easier. Core muscles strengthen, reducing backache and the chance of injury. Increased muscle strength not only benefits each of us physically, but also mentally, increasing ability and confidence.

  1. Metabolic Health Improvements Come From Weight Training.

Research has shown that metabolic health issues such as blood pressure and insulin responses improve with a strength training routine. The research, led by Professor Scott R. Collier of Appalachian State University, USA, found that resistance (weight-bearing) exercise resulted in lowering blood pressure more effectively and for longer than aerobic exercise. Strength training increases blood flow to active muscles and is considered a valuable addition to aerobic exercise routine. Research has also shown that strength training can assist in controlling blood sugar levels, so it’s also a great option if you are Diabetic.

  1. Lift Weights – Lift Depression

This is an unexpected advantage of weightlifting. According to a Harvard University study, ten weeks of strength training had greater success in improving the effects of depression than counselling. Another study in mature depressive adults found a greater success in reducing depression with higher intensity weight training than lighter weights. It’s important to, under guidance, challenge yourself with increasing weights and keen working out.

  1. Strength Training Prevents Bone Loss.

Osteoporosis increases with age as a result of bone loss. Studies have shown that weightlifting and strength training not only slows bone loss but also contributes to building bone. When stress is put on muscle it tends in turn to put pressure on surrounding bone, pushing it and causing tension. This leads to increased deposits of calcium and bone forming cells become more active, resulting in stronger bones. Also weight bearing exercise tends to target bones that are more vulnerable to osteoporosis – triggering improvements in bone mass in the spine, ribs, hips and wrists.

Regardless of age, gender, fitness level or weight, strength training should be added to every exercise routine.


That’s physical strength, this is spiritual and eternal…

Ephesians 6:10

Finally, be strong in the Lord and in His mighty power.

Keep the smile going!

God bless you!

In His Grip,

Helga xx 🙂

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