5-10am & I Find Someone Sitting At My Desk…


I arrive at work today & go upstairs. The top floor is always locked and Monday to Friday, I’m the person who unlocks it. There’s never anyone up there, so imagine my surprise when I walk into my office and at 5-10am, I find someone sitting at my desk…

Cheetah in the chairI think he’s supposed to be a cheetah!

Someone in my chairIf he was doing some work for me, I wouldn’t have minded but he hadn’t done a thing all weekend, so I turfed him off and now he’s sitting on my desk! Haha! I had a good laugh. I’m not sure who put them there, but it got my day off to a fun start!

The show went well, with phone in fun being this question: Mary is 16 and her brother is 4 times younger than she is. How old will Mary be when she is double her brother’s age? LOTS of people got it wrong! If I remember, I’ll tell you the answer tomorrow. If you want to guess, you can leave a comment and I’ll email you back to tell if you if you are right. I have to approve the comments before they are published, so no one else will see your answer! Fun!

After the show, I did music prep for next week and then came home and ate this…

BreakfastAn hour later it was off to gym, after which I was given a packet of these…

Seed crackerThey are low carb seed crackers made of sunflower seeds, flax seed, sesame seed, psyllium husks, water and salt. They taste great with cheese! I had one after gym and I am now very very full, but not too full for a lovely jug of tea! 🙂

This morning I was reminded of the importance of Forgiveness! It is a powerful word. We all need it and we all need to offer it to others. It is a sweet relief when we are forgiven for a misdeed committed against others. When we confess we have wronged another – that right there is a humbling but relieving experience that we can admit the truth. The burden truly falls from our backs when we are offered forgiveness from the offended party.

Psalm 32:1-2

“Blessed is he whose transgressions are forgiven, whose sins are covered. Blessed is the man whose sin the Lord does not count against him and in whose spirit there is no deceit.”

To be forgiven by others is a wonderful thing, but to be forgiven by God is the ultimate blessing. He forgives us, He covers our sin and He does not hold it against us. As a result within our spirit is no deceit & we hasten to forgive others who have offended us. We forgive because we are forgiven. If you are harbouring unforgiveness in your heart today, get rid of it as soon as possible. It will change your life.

God bless you today!

In His Grip,

Helga xx 🙂

Gratitude/Happiness Pic… the pleasure of watching the winter olympics…

Winter olympics


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