30 Years in One House

How’s that possible? On May 1st 1989, we took ownership of our current house.

Imagine that? Three decades of life have unfolded for us out of this home.

Some of the startling things:

  • I was 24 when we moved in. Mike was 38.
  • Stacey was 18 months old.
  • David did not exist except in God’s sight.
  • I had a Datsun Bakkie and Mike was excited about his Ford Sierra 2litre.

The house was probably the worst in the street. It had a reputation for having a snake filled garden. Some of the neighbours were too scared to walk past. It had no fence and was completely overgrown. Before we bought it the estate agent got it cleaned up, but still, when we drove up here in the early months of 1989, the house was entirely underwhelming.  None the less, it was solid and it was within our budget. We paid R67000. So 1st May 1989, we got the keys and over the next week or so, we moved in.

Mike got stuck in immediately. He renovated the kitchen. Shortly after that David was born and while he was tiny, we enclosed the front stoep and put a bay window on the kitchen. And then we saved. We saved and saved and saved, until we could afford to put a double garage on. Cape Concrete delivered them…

With the garages in place, we were able to convert the existing garage into more living space. With the driveway paved, our little home began to shine…this was about 1993.

Before we bought the garages, we had done quite a lot of research and discovered that if they reinforced their roof, we would be able to build a wooden structure on top. It was about mid September 1994, when Mike took 6 weeks leave from work and started construction. He started by building up the side of the house and put up what would be the bedroom balcony…

Daddy’s little helper…

Framing up, it began to take shape…

The view…

Now days, it looks like it’s been like this forever. The vine has gone manic…

Thirty rich years. I am so grateful to the Lord for them. We are blessed. Deep roots here.

Today has been so misty and chilly.  Just look at my bedroom view…no Chapman’s Peak…

A good work day. I am ready for bed!

2 Timothy 3:16-17

All Scripture is inspired by God and is useful to teach us what is true and to make us realize what is wrong in our lives. It corrects us when we are wrong and teaches us to do what is right.

So true.

These are the days.

Keep the smile going.

God bless you.

In His Grip,

Helga xx 🙂




Day 169



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