21 Days

We are in a state of change at the moment. Today is significant as it is the last working day of January. Mike is home. It is his last Friday off until he retires. For the last few months, he took off each Monday and each Friday to use up some of his extensive leave days. He still has about a month of leave left, but company policy dictates that he can’t take any leave during his final month of work. February is it.

The last month.

21 days.

No more daily traffic jams, but I think a lot more of this…

Mike driving off the tee

3rd January 1989 was a long time ago. At the time, the drive from Sun Valley to Cape Town wasn’t nearly as busy as it is now. Over the years, his departure time got earlier and earlier – and the days got longer and longer. Sometimes, he would leave in the dark and arrive home in the dark.

21 days.

No more daily traffic jams.

You have NO idea of how happy that makes me.

It’s becoming a frequently asked question: “is his being at home going to drive you crazy?”

My answer is “I don’t think so.”

I have absolutely LOVED having him home Mondays and Fridays. We gel.

I think when the time comes, there may be more discussion about who does what and when. There is some routine I need to maintain, but overall, I am absolutely looking forward to having my Mike home!

21 days.

The temptation is there to rush them along – to plead for them to be over, but the truth be told, it’s important that we both embrace each one of those 21 working days. They will be over before we know it. Suddenly, we will be sitting in the sun somewhere saying, good gracious me, you’ve being retired 6 months!

My neighbour told me the other day that it has been 5 years since her husband retired. Wow. That went fast.

While Mike is retiring from getting up and driving in and out of town to his formal place of work, there is other work that will continue. His time will be well occupied. We will find a new normal in working out how we each need to work and when we will take breaks and have time to play.

We’re playing around with that now and it’s worked well, but in 21 working days time, the next phase of our life commences.

It’s going to be good!

Isaiah 46:4

Even to your old age and grey hair I am He, I am He who will sustain you. I have made you and I will carry you; I will sustain you and I will rescue you.

The future looks good.

Keep the smile going and enjoy TODAY.

Just today.

God bless you!

In His Grip,

Helga xx 🙂

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