Dear Elsie
It’s been good hearing how busy you are. You have taken grade 1 by storm – swimming, playing tennis, athletics, home work and amidst it all, when it’s cooler, taking Pennie for walks.
She is so cute.
I’m tucked up in bed as I write. It’s early to be in bed, but it’s latish to be writing my account of the day’s events. There wasn’t too much out of the ordinary today. It began drizzly and cool. It was really pleasant.
We didn’t go to the beach, although I did hear the water was stunningly warm. Apparently the waves were quite rough. As the hours passed, the clouds lifted and all signs of rain were gone.
I did a good day’s work and so did Mike and Courage. The site office is coming along…the window is now functioning…
Courage painting the floor of what will be the loo.
After dinner I went walking. I walked to the end of Echo then back down Highway, up Hillside and beyond the Daisy Lane turn off to Zoutendyk steps. I came down these steps the other day, but going up is a different story altogether. There are 159 of them between Hillside & Highway. Yoh. This is looking down after I’d done that climb.
This set end at a corner. Go left and then there’s the rest. It’s fine going down but coming up the number took me by surprise. Anyway, that was a good walk at the end of a good day.
In an ever changing world, it’s good to have this reassurance…
Psalm 29:10
The Lord sits enthroned over the flood; the Lord is enthroned as King forever.
It’s not about now – we are only passing through.
Keep the smile going.
God bless you.
In His Grip,
Gran xx 🙂