Work, Enjoy Life, Be Grateful


Dear Elsie

Today was the day I woke up early and went for  a walk. With summer coming, the days are beginning earlier. The sun popping up over the distant mountains before 7am now. It means I can get some steps in before I start work at 8am. It’s a 30 minute walk to the top of our road, back again and then the Daisy Lane loop. Sunrise from the mountainside.

Quite often I am answering emails on my cell phone any time from 6am, but it’s sitting down at my desk that happens around 8am. Raiku is now my regular desk companion, taking up more than a third of it and I am only to happy to have him.

He has been a little too excited recently. Twice over the last 3 days, later in the evening while we are preparing for bed, he has enthusiastically arrived with a little (dead) field mouse. He kills, brings it in and then meows and meows to say, ‘look what I bought you.’ Last night when I arrived at his catch, he stood back, and it was if he was putting out his paws and proudly announced, ‘for you!’ He watched while I scooped up the poor little thing and removed it from the house. There was no attempt to stop me. His job was done. His keep was earned. 🐱

Tomorrow is for us to make the most of life and so we are taking the day off (working from my cell phone) and we are heading for the flowers.  We are looking forward to that. Mike is busy doing research on which route to take and where to go. Sun is expected so flowers should be open.

The 9th of the 9th is always a sad-heart day as it’s the day Arnie passed away – this year 17 years ago. While the ache dulls, it never disappears and twil only be gone when we meet again. My solution is to focus on something else. Work, enjoy life, be grateful.

Isaiah 3:10
Tell the righteous it will be well with them, for they will enjoy the fruit of their deeds.

It’s not about now – we are only passing through.

Keep the smile going.

God bless you.

In His Grip,

Gran xx 🙂


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