Windy Windy


Dear Elsie

The wind blew in the start of the new week with great gusto!

I had seen it may be gusting up to 65km/hour and braced myself for whistling, howling and whooshing  past our windows. When it’s this windy, we don’t spend too much time on the balcony. Have said that, the north facing balcony is more sheltered. It’s always difficult to get a good idea of how windy it is from a photo. This is from my rocking chair…those white horses are a clue…

But the number of lines at Fish Hoek beach are also as a result of the strong south-easter.

The wind is unpleasant to be sure but we can be grateful it blows away all the smog. Fresh oxygenated air remains. It also holds the distinction of being the cause of rain falling in Gauteng. It blows the inclement weather north. When it’s been blowing gales in Cape Town, expect rain in Johannesburg.

We have been watching the Europa Clipper on telly. It’s only due to arrive in 6 years time. I guess they will have a team keeping an eye on it every minute of the day & night until then. There’s a thought.

Psalm 84:5
Blessed are those whose strength is in you, whose hearts are set on pilgrimage.

It’s not about now – we are only passing through.

Keep the smile going.

God bless you.

In His Grip,

Gran xx 🙂

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