Whales for Company


Dear Elsie

Today was the day we had loads of whales for company. They seemed to use the coast line right in front of us as their main route. I started the day with an early morning walk as it’s getting light much earlier. I set off a little after 7am and walked to the Glencairn lookout.

On the way back, I saw a whale and hoped it would surface in the rays of the sun. It didn’t but you can see its ‘footprints’. The dips all along the water are from its movement.

There were a lot of seagulls following it. One of those dots is a drone manned by a guy who I spoke to. His wife is a marine biologist and he was getting some footage. I asked him about the shark population of False Bay and he had shocking news to tell. He said around our coast line from as far north as Madagascar all the way round South Africa there were only about 50 great white sharks left. They are a dying species, he said – they are all but gone. He agreed it is very safe to swim at Fish Hoek now. Seal attacks are more like than shark attacks. Another interesting road-side chat. I came home via Daisy Lane and got my walk in up front.

The rest of the day was spent working, but I had whales for company. While the whale from the sunlight was a humpback (according to the guy with the drone), these two are a mother and baby Southern Right, I believe. They have been up and down the coast and are now settled in one place a little further out.

They glide along very peacefully. The only time there is any action is when they breach or flap their tails. Every now and again there is a spray as they breath through their blow holes. They sleep at the surface. It will be interesting to see if they are around tomorrow. They weren’t the only ones. There were a couple closer to Clovelly; I saw one close to the coast but further down and I spotted one breaching quite far out. Lots of whales about.

Couple more photos. I  meant to post this one  yesterday. When I was walking up the hill at the end of my walk, look who was coming down…Courage & Ruth.

And finally, I saw this on Facebook yesterday and thought it was a good one. World Cup Rugby captains x 8 all in the same room – that’s an achievement.

A satisfying day. No stress.

2 Corinthians 7:10
Godly sorrow brings repentance that leads to salvation and leaves no regret…

It’s not about now – we are only passing through.

Keep the smile going.

God bless you.

In His Grip,

Gran xx 🙂

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