Weight Loss July


Dear Elsie

I’ve turned this month into weight loss July. For the last year or so my weight has varied  a few kg up and down, but I’m trying to get it slightly lower so that the upper number is about 3kg less than it is now.  I’ll feel better when I’m a few kilos down.

From Monday I’ve been trying a new eating strategy to get rid of the extra weight this month. I actually just want to lose 2kg this month. I don’t have high expectations.  The two things I have learned this week is I have to get used to being hungry again, and, I have to control my ‘hanger’! It’s really easy to get irritated towards the end of the day. I need to be aware of that and still try be happy when I’m hungry.

The main key to any weight loss success I’ve ever had is counting calories, so I record everything I eat on my watch app on my cell phone. The two sync, so when I exercise, it gives me more calories and tells me what my calorie deficit is. What’s really helpful about using an app to record food eaten is it puts the brakes on. I have been shocked at where calories lie. Last night we had macaroni cheese and the portion I usually would have served myself was a whopping 1000 calories. Halving servings helps. One rusk is 140 calories, so I have half to get a taste.

Today I worked and then at around 11am, when I was on top of things, Mike and I walked to Fish Hoek for him to buy a few things from the hardware store. Good to see Law Enforcement on the cat walk.

Talking of security, this evening is our local neighbourhood watch AGM, which I’ll go to. At least it’s earlier tonight.

Rain is forecast over the weekend, but right now it also is looking particularly gloomy.

And to think this morning, I considered a swim! Ha. Raiku has the right idea…

I’m back to the beginning of the Psalms.

Psalm 2:2
The kings of the earth take their stand and the rulers gather together against the Lord and against his Anointed One.

It’s not about now – we are only passing through.

Keep the smile going.

God bless you.

In His Grip,

Gran xx 🙂


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