We Had a Good 1st June


Dear Elsie

Today we had a good 1st June which included a lovely chat with you as you and your Mom made oat cookies & hot chocolate on what was a very rainy day in your little town. Meanwhile, in Cape Town, the sun shone and skies were blue for most of the day. It was just later this afternoon, the wind picked up and there are more clouds. If March, April and May are considered autumn in Cape Town, June, July and August are winter. They come with quite spectacular sunsets. This was a short while ago. A small thick upright rainbow covering a bit of the distant mountains.

Then the clouds got splashed a glorious pink…

Tomorrow is forecast to be chilly, but from Tuesday the mood will change as the rain arrives.

Today was the day Mike said he needed me for a few hours. It has been ages since we went shopping together. I walked into Fish Hoek to get in some steps and he met me in town. We went to Nused and actually bought a very nice white chest of drawers to replace the green one in the Little Lookout. This one will serve the same purpose, has better drawers and will take up less space, so next job is to get the green one sold.

From there we went to Mr Price Home in Diep River. We bought doormats, one for our front door and one for the Loft. By then, hunger had set in, so we went to this place in Bergvliet.

It was buzzing. Mike watched chess…

I had their eggs benedict and it was very good.

Then it was to the Blue Route where we meandered through the shops, but didn’t buy anything. From there we came home, via Fish Hoek where we did some grocery shopping at our local PnP.

This afternoon was very relaxing. I even dozed off in my rocking chair.  Mike slept and so did Raiku. Some say Raiku is not a lap cat, but day by day I am seeing his reticent habits change and his eagerness to investigate a comfie lap certainly has increased.

Dinner was burgers with fried onions, lettuce, gherkins, cheese, tomato, mayo & 1000 islands dressing, with potatoes on the side. Self-compilation required. Seconds were had.

Yes, we had a good 1st of June. And now it’s time to enjoy the evening.

I’m almost at the end of the Gospel of John.

John 20:30-31
Jesus performed many other signs in the presence of His disciples, which are not recorded in this book. But these are written that you may believe that Jesus is the Messiah, the Son of God, and that by believing you may have life in His name.

It’s not about now – we are only passing through.

Keep the smile going.

God bless you.

In His Grip,

Gran xx 🙂

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