Walking to End of Fish Hoek Beach


Dear Elsie

With the tide low this morning and the sun rising earlier and earlier, it was a good opportunity to measure how far it is from our house to the end of Fish Hoek Beach and back. This is from the cat walk looking towards the end of the beach…

Very low tide making the walk easy. At the end of the beach there is the Silvermine River which is still flowing steadily, so I didn’t cross it.

This is looking back…

It took me 27 minutes to walk to the end of the beach. On the way back, I stopped to talk to Joe, who was enjoying the early morning. Train to Simon’s Town…

My watch indicated the walk was going to be less than 5km, so I came up Hillside Rd instead of Sunny Cove steps. In order to clock 5km, I had to go as far as the gate of number 38. Back home – 5km done and dusted on what was a quite spectacular spring morning. View of Fish Hoek Beach from my balcony.

Home for breakfast, shower and work which took the rest of the day. I did have a little humour break in between. I put a dish towel on Raiku. He’s not so sure what to do, so he walks off.

He asks “What did you do? Why are you following me?”

He’s absolutely not sure about this strange feeling…

I’ll just lie down.

Funny boy!

Mike intends to work this evening.  I will watch some some You Tube videos.

Isaiah 26:3 caught my eye this morning
You will keep in perfect peace him whose mind is steadfast because he trusts in you.

It’s not about now – we are only passing through.

Keep the smile going.

God bless you.

In His Grip,

Gran xx 🙂

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