Walking from Ou Kaapse Weg to Home


Dear Elsie

Today was the day I had a nice long chat with your Mom and I caught up with all your news. You have been doing very well in Grade 1. You like your teacher and are super obedient, although your sense of humour is evident. When the teacher told the class not to put their heads down on their arms on the desk, you did, just to see what your teacher would do! She gave you a funny look and you grinned back! That’s as far as your class rebellion has gone!

For us, today we got up early and at about 6.45am, we drove across (with David) to the Ou Kaapse Weg/ Silvermine Rd intersection. We hopped out and David took the car home. We walked the Silvermine Valley.

It was very quiet and peaceful.

We passed Sunbird Centre. That’s one part of the complex behind Mike.

A little further on a few cyclists came past and we crossed a bridge. The river is the one that comes down from Silvermine Waterfall.

Looking back, there is Chapman’s Peak.

We got to the entrance to Clovelly Country Club

And then came the beauty of Clovelly Golf Club. It is in such good condition. This is the 2km mark.

It was 3km from the start to the clubhouse. We walked through Clovelly down to the Silvermine wetlands. I was interested to find out if the bridge had been repaired. It hasn’t.

So we went left…

Until we got to the spot where there are stepping stones and we crossed there.

The river is low.

From there it was a short walk to the Main Rd which we crossed, over the railway line to the beach.

We walked along the beach for a short way before taking the board walk through to the red-roof houses.

And finally, 6.5km later, we arrived at our destination.

Swimming was wonderful! The walk home slightly slower than usual.

We’ve had a restful day. Guests checked out late. I started the laundry and most of it is dry.

It’s been another beautiful day in Cape Town. Yesterday evening, Mike and I were watching something on TV. I happened to look outside and to my amazement, there was a whale! It’s so unseasonal to have them at the end of January. We saw 2 but apparently there were more. Today I saw one splashing further out in the bay. Perhaps they are going to be a more permanent residents of False Bay. Quite a treat.

This was a good Saturday.

Psalm 21:4
“He asked you for life, and you gave it to him—length of days, for ever and ever”

It’s not about now – we are only passing through.

Keep the smile going.

God bless you.

In His Grip,

Gran xx 🙂




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