Walk to the end of a Different Beach


Dear Elsie

Today was the day I walked to the end of a different beach. If we are going to walk to the end of a beach, it usually is Fish Hoek, but today I decided to go to Glencairn. But first, this is what sunrise looked like…

There were 4 whales very close to shore this morning. With the sea so flat and calm, they were easily seen.  The first two slowly glided past, very near the surface of the water and just amazing to see.  The second pair seemed to be mother and calf and they spent a lot of time in one area before moving further into the bay. That was when I decided to walk towards Glencairn to see if I could see the first two. I couldn’t. They were gone, so I chose to walk to the end of a different beach. Glencairn from the Fish Hoek side…

The river…still flowing strongly, even though it was low tide.

And the view from the river back towards Fish Hoek.

I discovered that from our house to the end of Glencairn Beach and back is 5km. Good to know.

Something else significant happened today. My goal for 2024 was to walk 3 million steps, which is about 8000 steps a day. Not long ago I noticed my average had gone up significantly and that with a little more walking I may be able to get to 3.66 million steps by the end of the year. I had to get my average up to 10000 steps a day and today I crossed that milestone. With 3 and a half months to go, I should make my goal.

A little rain was forecast – there was a tiny bit. And we also had a rainbow.

The little line in the water is a whale at the end of the rainbow – and we all thought there was a pot of gold. Maybe the whale swallowed it up.

A lovely day. We enjoy these windless ones so much. Summer is coming and summer & windless don’t go together.

Psalm 59:9
God will go before me.

It’s not about now – we are only passing through.

Keep the smile going.

God bless you.

In His Grip,

Gran xx 🙂

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