Today I Remembered Back…


Dear Elsie

Today was a beautiful day which we began at the beach. Look at this…

I had a lovely swim. We came home via the shops and then up the mountain and across Daisy Lane. I was already working on my cell phone. Today was so busy, it was a day I remembered back 40 years when I was a student nurse. There were days on wards that had me on the go from the moment I arrived on the ward to the moment I left. Hardly a spare moment – running from patient to patient, prepping, caring, cleaning and feeding – the tasks didn’t end until the 12 hour shift was done. That was how I felt about today. I went from one thing to another; one call, one inquiry, email, task, meeting – ‘twent on and on and on. And when I thought the work was done, I had Airbnb bookings to contend with. One guest went, one guest arrived, 2 bookings pinged in. Funny how I can equate being a student nurse with being a recruitment consultant 40 years later.  They share common denominators of both being a fulfilling job and helping people. At least now, any mistakes made are not life-threatening. I appreciate that!

Time now for some down time. We have discovered Matlock – I think it’s on DSTV which we got for a month while there was cricket on. Fun series to watch and we are about to do just that. Put the kettle on. Pop the popcorn. TV time.

Psalm 49:15
But as for me, God will redeem my life. He will snatch me from the power of the grave.

It’s not about now – we are only passing through.

Keep the smile going.

God bless you.

In His Grip,

Gran xx 🙂


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