The Surprise of the Day


Dear Elsie

Today was the day that a mammoth cold front passed by and it dumped torrential rain on Cape Town for the entire morning. My morning sunrise photo was not much to admire.

The massive amount of rain made Mike worry that the one gabion basket may get too wet. He and Courage unrolled a huge piece of plastic…

And then went out in the storm to put it in place.

The wind was howling and it was pouring with rain, although the photo doesn’t show how bad the conditions were. It took them a while to get it secure and when it was done, they were pretty drenched. Photos came out on various whatsapp groups. This is Ou Kaapse Weg..

And this was outside Fish Hoek SAPS.

By lunchtime, the rain suddenly stopped and it looks a lot clearer. The surprise of the day was I went for an hour long walk and while I was out, not a drop fell. I went via the beach where the volume of water through the storm drain had dug away at the beach.

I walked through the avenues where there were various signs the storm had passed through.

I came home via this set of De Villiers steps which I haven’t walked up before…

So surprising to get a proper walk in on the wettest day of the year thus far. It was also surprising that Julian’s flight wasn’t delayed. I think they left a few minutes late but that was because they were waiting for another plane to land. Flights were coming and going as scheduled. No cancellations or diversions it seems. While there was a phenomenal amount of water, it seemed the wind wasn’t strong enough to cause any flight issues.  The wet weather is not over. More rain is forecast tonight and tomorrow. We had a lovely sunny June. July is putting paid to any thought we may have that we would have a warm winter!

Psalm 7:1
Oh Lord my God, I take refuge in you.

It’s not about now – we are only passing through.

Keep the smile going.

God bless you.

In His Grip,

Gran xx 🙂


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