The Rainy Day That Was


Dear Elsie

Today was a rainy day. It had rained overnight and was very overcast for much of the day with a few showers. We thought there would be driving rain but that certainly didn’t come, although it’s now sounding like there is quite steady rain falling.

I decided to get some steps in while it was still dry. I walked to the end of the road…

And then walked up Highway, where I observed one brave man going for a swim…

The sun was trying to break through the clouds, making for a beautiful photo…

I came home and worked for 7 hours. Today Courage was sick. He actually didn’t feel well yesterday but came to work (he chose to work the public holiday because he’s taking another day off at some other stage). Yesterday, he had arranged for Hard-Life to also come and he didn’t want to let him down. Hard-Life did the heavy lifting, while Courage worked in the loft. Today Courage said he had woken with a serious headache. Hopefully, he will be better tomorrow. But it made for a very quiet day at the house with no coming and going.

The surprise of this winter’s day came this afternoon when someone on our swimming group said they were going to Glencairn tidal pool for a dip and did anyone else want to join. I decided, as my work was done, I would go. When I told Mike, he said he would go for a run, so that’s what we did. I went to Glencairn and had a 25 minute dip in water that was about 13C.

Mike ran to the tidal pool and stopped to say hello before jogging back. I passed him while driving home, so pulled into the first open parking bay and waited for him to arrive. This meant he didn’t need to go up the 122  steps to get to our road. We arrived home refreshed and invigorated. A hot shower and into bed for me and that’s where I am. Mike had baked a perfect loaf of bread and we tucked into that with great enthusiasm!

And that has been the rainy day that was.

Psalm 136:1
Give thanks to the Lord, for He is good. His love endures forever.

It’s not about now – we are only passing through.

Keep the smile going.

God bless you.

In His Grip,

Gran xx 🙂


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