The Quietest Day


Dear Elsie

Today is Human Rights Day and it was the quietest day. We woke up and had some time with your Mom before we hugged her goodbye and she headed home to you Elsie.  While she drove away, we walked down to the beach on what has been a very balmy and warm day. It’s what I call a fancourt slate kind of day.

One of the advantages of going to the beach a little later than usual is the shark net was in place. The water is getting cooler. Somebody suggested it was 16. Certainly refreshing. I still got in a good swim of  33 minutes. We came home (starving) and had breakfast. I did some work. At 12 noon the weekend guests arrived. I have managed to stay on top of my work this week, so after a few hours of work,  I had a midday snooze which was really good.

I found a feather on the balcony and at first sniff Raiku went wild, but he soon realised there wasn’t a bird attached to it.

Sweet kitty. When Stacey was here, she announced that cats do better in pairs and that it is a good idea for Raiku to get a kitten! Mike said he felt ganged up against. Stacey assured him I hadn’t told her to say this and it was her own research. I had a good little laugh to myself. When we get back from our trip, I think I shall be looking out for a very friendly kitten. I keep getting recommended them on Instagram & there seems to be no shortage.

A good end to the working week.

Solomon not mincing his words…

Proverbs 11:22
Like a gold ring in a pig’s snout is a beautiful woman who shows no discretion.

It’s not about now – we are only passing through.

Keep the smile going.

God bless you.

In His Grip,

Gran xx 🙂


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