The Burnt House Has a Roof


Dear Elsie

When the dreadful fire happened in early April, there were two houses that were burned to the ground and the owners lost everything. It was beyond tragic. One remains in ashes, but the other has risen. This is the house on 8th April…

Progress was made… 18th July.

And today when we walked past, we were thrilled to see it’s up to roof height.

When I’m next down on Simon’s Town road I’ll take a photo from below.  Four months have passed since that dreadful day. So much destruction in such a short space of time. I’m so glad they have been able to rebuild.

Today was a busy work day. We managed to get out and walk a few kilometers after dinner. Tomorrow we have guests arriving. They will be staying for a month, so we really cleaned the apartment from top to bottom.  Looks like more rain tomorrow and then, if Accuweather is to be believed,  there is hardly a drop forecast for 10 days. That will be nice for the guests.

I slept well last night, with the exception of being woken by Raiku pleading to be let out at 3am. I have never let him out so early, but seeing as he was sitting on the windowsill waiting for the window to magically open, I gave in and out he went. I then stayed awake for 45 minutes waiting for him to come back in, which he didn’t. I finally fell asleep again and overslept, waking up after 7. I went to make coffee and found him sitting quietly in the lounge. I’m hoping there won’t be a repeat tonight.

And that’s Monday.

Psalm 32:1
Blessed is he whose transgressions are forgiven, whose sins are covered.

It’s not about now – we are only passing through.

Keep the smile going.

God bless you.

In His Grip,

Gran xx 🙂


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