“That’s The Safety Watch!”


Dear Elsie

Today was the day we said goodbye to your Mom and you welcomed her back with open arms. It really was a treat having her and getting to spend time with her. We look forward so much to seeing you later this week.

After a lovely breakfast out, we said our goodbyes and then we had a restful day at home. In the afternoon, I had Miranda come round to drop some pen holders, which I have attached to  my notebook, diary and Bible. At least they may succeed in keeping my pencils in reach.

Later this afternoon, I walked down to the shops to buy some food for dinner. My neighbourhood watch bib continues to seemingly be somewhat protective. It appears to deflect and attract attention in equal parts. Beggars and suspicious people don’t approach me, while everyone else is happy to greet. I walked the cat walk today. There have been a few nasty incidents on it over the last few months and there is an ongoing complaint that law enforcement are not frequently deployed. I didn’t realise my bright yellow bib would attract so  much attention.

As I walked past some tourists, I head them say in their British accents,  “Oooh, that’s the Safety Watch!” They seemed impressed, which is of course, amusing, because I am hardly  capable of catching a criminal!   Visitors are concerned about what they hear in the media so they possibly perceive the presence of a neighbourhood watch safety vest on the cat walk as reassuring. There are loads of people that walk. Wearing this makes me feel safer. If more people pop one one when they are out walking, it will increase visibility and make them feel safer. It’s win-win.

We had lasagne for dinner, watched a Grand Design and a 48 Hours and now it’s time for me to turn in for the night. A busy week ahead.

Psalm 17:6
I call on you, O God, for you will answer me; give ear to me and hear my prayer.

It’s not about now – we are only passing through.

Keep the smile going.

God bless you.

In His Grip,

Gran xx 🙂

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