Storm In A (Big) British Teacup

This morning we happened to wake up at 4am and Mike sleepily said, “I wonder what happened with Brexit!”  With that I went onto my cell phone to find out and was shocked to see that the “leave” campaign was ahead and was predicted to win.  From there I checked the SA exchange rate. The rand had been strengthening in recent days on the back of news that “stay” would win. I think last night before we went to bed it was R14-39 to the $US. At 4-08am, it was R14-82. Then it went into free-fall. By just after 5am, it was R15-56. That was as bad as it got. After that it began to recover, dipped below R15 to $US1 and is now at R15-13.

This Brexit thing has certainly split England in half. British Prime Minister David Cameron stepped down. Boris Johnston is hoping and preparing to step up.

Daily Mail Online

Daily Mail Online

The world markets were all atwitter, the Great British pound fell to its lowest level in 3 decades. EU investment and funding in the UK may lessen, but I think what is happening today amidst the unexpected change is panic. The world markets don’t like change. The status quo has been radically upset and it takes time for this to settle. The media certainly knows how to make a meal out of it. They perpetuate the panic.

What it means for South Africa is that our trade and investment may be hurt, initially, but again, we will find our own level. It’s at times like this I really love living in South Africa. There’s something safe about being away from the madness. We have enough of our own.

But all of this will pass. There’s an interesting saying, ‘what goes around comes around’. Boris Johnson has been angling to get the top job in UK politics. If he succeeds now, his turn will come where he has to step down, just as David Cameron replaced Gordon Brown, who replaced Tony Blair, who replaced John Major who replaced Margaret Thatcher. What goes around comes around. Life is the great leveller. One day, Robert Mugabe who has hung onto power for far longer than he should, will no longer rule Zimbabwe.

Truth be told there are bigger fish to fry. People are starving. People need jobs. Some need to try and find where their next meal is to come from. They are a far cry from stock markets and currency levels. They need to eat. Let’s help them.

England will be all right.

But with all this turmoil, it does send a loud message to the ruling party to take care. They are not invincible. What goes around comes around. If England can vote to leave the Eurozone the United States can vote Donald Trump into power.

Fortunately, we who are Christians serve a greater cause. Our faith is not in the government or what they can do for us. Our faith lies in Jesus Christ and what we can do for Him because of what He did for us.

Colossians 3:23

Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for human masters…

That’s our job. Keep focused. Keep your eye on the goal.

These are the days!

Keep the smile going.

God bless you!

In His Grip,

Helga xx 🙂


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