Dear Elsie
I love birds – even the owls. When we go down to the beach in the morning, there are plenty of birds to be seen. Most recently, there have been a number of oyster catchers, with their distinct red beaks. While I was in the water, out by the barrel one flew to a nearby rock with it’s breakfast firmly in its beak. It settled down to dismantle it.
Seagulls are often attracted to my pink swimming cap and may swoop down to take a closer look. I get to get a closer look at them too. There have been a number of terns at the beach. They are grey with black over their eye and forked tails. They are smaller framed than normal seagulls – more petite. What has surprised me as they have flown directly above me is how wide their wing span is. You never really get to see it unless you are below them. (Royalty free pic)
From our house it’s the seagulls who have regular water-top parties, especially today when there seemed to be an abundance of shoals of small fish. They provided a smorgasbord. It’s difficult to see the birds or the fish from a photo, so you need to use your imagination. All the little dots are birds and the displaced (different coloured) water is filled with fish. Maybe you need to zoom in to see the seagulls.
What is visible in the photo above is a fire in the Vrygrond area.
This photo is better (glad the fire is under control) and I put arrows to show what I’m talking about. The arrow on the left points to the shoals. The other arrows are pointing to some of the birds. All those white dots are seagulls.
There were hundreds of hungry seagulls today. There are less of them now – the bulk having flown home, no doubt with full tummies. The hunting of the fish is a permanent occupation.
We’ve had a very restful day. I even sat on the balcony reading a book & I had an afternoon snooze. It was very civil and a good way to be prepared for the week ahead.
God is always listening.
Psalm 40:1
I waited patiently for the Lord; He turned to me and heard my cry.
It’s not about now – we are only passing through.
Keep the smile going.
God bless you.
In His Grip,
Gran xx 🙂