Scarborough Ramble


Dear Elsie

Today was the day we went for a ramble through the Scarborough Dunes. It’s the Schusterkraal park…

Parking is at the end of Beach Rd Scarborough where a path goes right to the beach and straight to the Schusterkraal picnic area. We went straight, over this bridge. 

The path leads past the fence which is the boundary of Cape Point Nature reserve..

It winds down to the beach…

A short walk along the sea front comes out at Scarborough Beach but on the other side of the river.

We always like to spend a few minutes sitting on a rock having a little prayer together.

We returned the way we came. It was not a very long walk.

Home for a rest and then later, we took off to the end of the beach. We also went over the dunes and were amazed at how well the dune rehab has worked in places.

A good walking weekend.

Psalm 40 always bring with it such encouragement

1: I waited patiently for the Lord; He turned to me and heard my cry.

It’s not about now – we are only passing through.

Keep the smile going.

God bless you.

In His Grip,

Gran xx 🙂


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