Saturday Filled With Activities


Dear Elsie

Today was the day filled with activities. The care needed a service so we drove through to Claremont to drop it off. As soon as we had done that, we found this amazing little Portuguese bakery on Iman Haron called Coimbria, named after a city in Portugal. What a gem this little place is.

The food was exceptional and abundant.  I had the breakfast board.

Mike had the full English breakfast and couldn’t finish it.

So, car dropped off, tummies full, we then went to Oasis Book Shop, where we saw Wayne Turner and had a chat. Julian went to buy books. Mike and I browsed and then went to Access Park and then across to Kenilworth Centre. After strolling  for a while, Julian messaged to say the car was ready. We walked back to Oasis and met him there and home we went.

Then it was a phone call with you Elsie – which I always enjoy!

Then I went to see my friend Debs who had her birthday yesterday. We had a lovely visit. I walked home in time for an hour before walking to Harbour Bay for dinner at Sav. I chose the salmon salad. What a winner.

It was delicious.

And that was the Saturday filled with activities. A good day.

And believe it or not, the scab on my hand has come off and it’s almost entirely healed. Still itchy though.

Last verse of Romans

Romans 16:27 …to the only wise God be glory forever through Jesus Christ! Amen.

It’s not about now – we are only passing through.

Keep the smile going.

God bless you.

In His Grip,

Gran xx 🙂

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