Real Valentine’s Day…


You can’t miss it. There have been hearts and red roses decorating shops for weeks. Today is Valentine’s Day! It was a day to wear red and celebrate love! I remember being single and dreading the day! It was awful. I couldn’t wait for it to pass. When you are single and this dreaded 14th February looms ahead,  is uncomfortable and awkward and sad and lonely and wishful and whimsical…mainly for single girls. Guys don’t really seem to mind so much.  They may want a girl in their life, but they don’t feel the serious feeling of rejection us girls feel! I remember the huge relief I felt when I had my first Valentine’s Day with Mike. It was Valentine’s Day 1986. I knew I would get a card. Gone was the uncertainty, the feeling of inferiority compared to my beautiful attached friends.  Although not yet engaged, I knew Mike was my future husband and I felt secure in his love for me.  Oh how God LONGS for us to feel that sense of security in His love for us. Oh how He LONGS to be our Valentine, even if we already have one. He wants us to know that He loved us since before the creation of the world, that we ARE in His grip. He has His eye on us. He loves us with an everlasting love. He will never let us go. Thank you Jesus for being my Valentine, today, and every day!

When I look at Valentine’s Day like that,  the gifts my precious husband gave me today, although special, are not as wonderful. They will not last.  Don’t get me wrong! I LOVE receiving gifts from Mike. I’d have a hissy-fit if he forgot or ignored Valentine’s Day. I think it is imperative that every single husband/boyfriend understand how desperately romantic we women are and he has a duty to go overboard on Valentine’s Day,  BUT only God can fill a God-shaped hole. I hope He has filled yours! He won’t push Himself onto you. He’s waiting for you to come to Him. The security of knowing God’s love is the best Valentine ever!

The greatest love story ever told – “For God loved the world so much that He gave His only Son, so that whoever believes in Him will not perish but have everlasting life.” (John 3:16)

It’s a simple step to become a Christian. Click here (or copy and paste into your browser)  to find out how…

After I woke this morning and tumbled out of bed into my pre-planned outfit of red and white, I crept downstairs to my Quiet Time spot.

There on the table in front of the couch was a bunch of red roses, some chocolates, a card and a little wrapped box! 🙂 🙂  “Awww”, I thought to myself, “how special, how sweet of him!” Warmth flooded my soul.

But then I glanced to my left and the real heart of my beloved husband was displayed. There on Granny’s table, were roses, a card and prettily displayed red chocolates. And that was when I cried. Granny is so vulnerable, yet Mike showed her that she is valued and that he loves her!


It was off to work, all dressed for the occasion…

I’m now home and Mike & I are going out for dinner tonight! 🙂

There is ‘cat news’. Last night, as I thought, cat was not stupid enough to simply march into the trap. So a short while ago, I put on Mike’s thick jacket and a pair of thick gardening gloves and went out to play with kitty. After picking him up to test how much he would struggle, I put him down, patted his head a bit and then took the plunge. I picked him up and marched him over to the cage, popped him in, pushed him along and the gate slammed shut! Agh shame!


Marilyn is coming to collect him. Life will never be the same for him, but it will be  safer and healthier in the cat world!

Off to have tea with Granny!

God bless you!

In His Loving Grip,

Helga xx 🙂

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