Rabbit and the Rooster


Dear Elsie

Today was the day you headed home. I’m glad you got home before the rain came. It was wonderful having you. You said goodbye to everyone & were on your way around 9am.

We walked to Fish Hoek for some shopping. On our return, we walked past the historic 19th Milestone. 19 miles to the Cape Town townhouse – this is by carriage or on horseback! There are lots of historic sites between Muizenberg and Simon’s Town. I think it will be worthwhile me knowing a little more about them. Julian is reading a book about the history of this stretch of land and sea, so I’ll read it after him.

Back home, I was reminded of the rabbit who has been joined by a rooster. Remember this:

It was bought leap year 2024. Rabbit now has a friend. A very handsome, one-eyed, beaded rooster. They are perched on the edge of the gabion baskets.

And have a pretty good view.

Julian is always finding these treasures in charity shops, so they may get some more companions in time to come. The rooster rocks back and forth in the wind.

Rain is falling now and the rugby is on, so that’s what we are watching. Mike is making spagbol for dinner, so it’s all happening  now.

Ephesians 6:10
Finally, be strong in the Lord and in His mighty power.

It’s not about now – we are only passing through.

Keep the smile going.

God bless you.

In His Grip,

Gran xx 🙂






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