Quick Road Trip to Swellendam


Dear Elsie

Today was the day I came to see you! It’s your final concert/ graduation from Grade R. Next year it’s Grade 1!! Woohoo. I left home and took a very leisurely drive through to Swellendam. I stopped at the 1-stop on the N2, just after Baden Powell, because it has a Woollies foodshop. I did some work with this view…they have a very nice area behind the shopping area.

Then it was on the road again where I encountered not one, but 2 stop & goes and got caught at both. The first was just before the Hermanus turnoff…

Look at that beautiful day! The other was just before Caledon and was quick so I didn’t get a photo. I got through to Caledon and had coffee at the Fresh stop where I did an excellent amount of work.

Funny story. I was on a video call with a colleague when I suddenly noticed there was a fire in the microwave (seen in the above photo). There were dancing flames. I couldn’t believe my eyes. I interrupted my Teams call and called to the man who was sitting at the table and said ‘there’s something happening in that microwave!’. He leapt up and retrieved his burning food from inside! He dropped it on the floor and stomped out the flames. Then he went and bought more food and with a little more care, warmed it up in the (surprisingly) still working microwave.

I arrived in Swellendam and had an early dinner before heading for the end of year concert which was a treat!  Entrance to the school.


What a lovely, memorable evening. So excited to be here.

1 Thessalonians 1:2
We always thank God for all of you and continually mention you in our prayers.

It’s not about now – we are only passing through.

Keep the smile going.

God bless you.

In His Grip,

Gran xx 🙂


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