Poor Drenched Cape Town


Dear Elsie

Last night there were such strong winds and pounding rain. A  massive storm again dumped torrential rain over Cape Town with some gale force wind causing havoc in some areas.

There were a number of houses that had their rooves blown off. Trees were downed and there were mud slides across many roads, like this one…this is Blackhill.

On the way to Cape Point there is a massive chunk of road that has fallen down the mountainside.  Water continues to pour off the mountain and the roads contain various levels of streams running down them. In the low lying informal areas, the situation is worse. So many trying to mop up. Thousands have been flooded out completely. It’s heartbreaking to see. We live in a land of contrasts and the divide between crippling poverty and comfort is only a few kilometers.

While we slept in peace, we woke this morning to a pool of water that had blown in under the side balcony door. Despite blocking under the door with towels, the stream  extended under our front door to the entrance area, where it got soaked up by the carpet.

At lunchtime, Mike and I walked to Fish Hoek for Mike to pick up a very long, heavy steel clamp. We also did some shopping and then lugged it all home.  We came and went via the Beach. Not a day for swimming, although the sea appeared to have been blown flat by the wind.

The cat walk was very wet in places and hopping over rivers was part of the journey. Looking to see what is ahead, there seems to be rain over the weekend with the next sunshine predicted for Monday. We can’t get too complacent, rain is forecast for at least 4 more days next week.

This is a good one to remember:

Psalm 9:9
The Lord is a refuge for the oppressed, a stronghold in times of trouble.

It’s not about now – we are only passing through.

Keep the smile going.

God bless you.

In His Grip,

Gran xx 🙂


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