Perfect Autumn Weather


Dear Elsie

Today was one of those perfect days. I finished the work week up to date and enjoyed sitting on the balcony having tea.

Enjoying the view and the weather…

At 5.30pm, Julian and I walked to the end of the beach and back.

Such a perfect evening.

Tomorrow, Mike and Holly have kindly paid for us to go on a boat trip across False Bay. Hoping the weather will be as good as today.

The other thing that happened today that has swept across our screens is news of the most horrendous earthquake in Myanmar. When there is a catastrophic disaster on this scale, it is just so difficult to get enough help on the ground to be effective. It is overwhelming to see how much damage there is. While we feel so helpless, God is not. He knows. He sees. He is not inactive during any events. Even though God may seem silent, He is  never absent.

Deuteronomy 10:20
Fear the Lord your God and serve Him

It’s not about now – we are only passing through.

Keep the smile going.

God bless you.

In His Grip,

Gran xx 🙂


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